Our goal is to listen to the needs of our patients so we are now introducing a convenient and simple way to access wound care specialist services. You can access the service for your patients using this referral form.
South Doc Services (SDS) in partnership with Coloplast Ltd has developed a complex wound care service that is both easy and convenient for patients to access and which reduces the burden on currently challenged district nursing services. The service utilises the extensive experience and knowledge of specialist Tissue Viability nurses to ensure patients with troublesome wounds will receive the most appropriate assessment and programme of care to ensure that together we work towards those wounds healing.
About the service
The service takes referral for patients who meets the following criteria:
- Able to attend the clinic
- Have wound(s) that are not healing and have been present for more than 2 weeks
- Have wound(s) that require more than twice weekly dressing changes
Examples of suitable wounds that can be referred are:
- Fungating wounds
- Leg ulcers
- Complex or non-healing surgical wounds
- Pilonidal sinus/abscess wounds
The service can also facilitate onward referral to other services—such as Vascular, Podiatry and Lymphedema services. Patients can be referred to the service via their own GP Practice, Health care professionals or Receptionist using the Referral Triage Form. You can also view the service referral pathway:
The service is not suitable for patients who are housebound or patients with simple wounds (currently covered by the Universal Offer) .
Examples of simple wounds are
- Wounds less than 2cm in depth
- Wounds with no undermining
- Wounds with no signs of tunnelling
- Wounds that are showing no signs of infection
- Wounds which are following a positive healing trajectory
- Wounds which are not static
- Wounds showing a greater percentage of epithelial or granulation tissue than necrotic or devitalised tissue
Patients with complex and non-healing wounds can take up a lot of time managing the symptoms of their conditions. The purpose of this service is not only to heal rather than simply manage wounds but also, recognising the pressure practices are under currently, it aims to give time back, to spend with other patients who need you. In addition as a result of the partnership with Coloplast we are now also able to provide educational developmental opportunities for your practice nurses to upskill themselves in wound management and thereby help minimise wound complications.
What your patients can expect
At their appointment they will be introduced to the Coloplast Tissue Viability Nurse Specialist who will carry out a full assessment to better understand their condition. Following the full holistic assessment the Coloplast Tissue Viability Nurse Specialist will develop a comprehensive care plan with the patient to help them better manage their current condition. This will take into consideration their personal treatment goals. Their wound will be dressed and they will also be advised of the frequency of their future appointments. This service is complementary to the current service provided by Birmingham Community Healthcare Foundation Trust and aims to be supportive in avoiding the need for patients to wait too long to be seen.
About our partnership with Coloplast
Coloplast is a company that understands the needs of people with complex conditions and develops products and services to make life easier for people with such deeply personal and private medical conditions. Coloplast first opened its offices in the UK in 1978. Its Wound and Skin Care established the Tissue Viability Nursing Service in 2021, complementing the nursing team which supports patients with stoma, bowel and bladder difficulties. The newly developed Tissue Viability Support Service is made up of a team of Registered Nurses who are regulated by the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) and work in partnership with the NHS.
The goal of your Coloplast Tissue Viability Nurse Specialist is not only to work in partnership with the NHS but also to bring, where possible, rapid solution to healing of wounds which are often so very debilitating for patients. Together we are committed to ensuring the best care possible for the population we serve.
Who can access this service?
The service is currently available to any South and Central Birmingham practice that has agreed access to the service with SDS—it is provided at two Complex wound care hubs:
West Heath Surgery Clinics (for South Bham practices)
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday
Time: 08:30—15:00
River Brook Medical Centre Clinics (for Central Bham practices)
Tuesday and Friday
Time: 08:30—15:00
How do I access the Complex Wound Care Service?
Referral is via email to nhsbsolicb.complexwoundcare.whs@nhs.net. Please complete:
- The referral form
- A patient summary
You can view the Service Pathway here.
Want to know more about this service?
Call: 0121 476 1135
Email: nhsbsolicb.complexwoundcare.whs@nhs.net